Style can make a big difference. In today’s fast-paced world what we wear and how we carry ourselves can make a significant impression. If you look around, however, many people seem copy-pasted in terms of their style. Here’s how to develop your own unique style and stand out from the crowd.

1. Look Around
The first key to developing your own distinctive style is to look around at the styles of people around you. Do they look like they’re taken from a TV show or copy-pasted from a trendy new style of jeans that celebrities seem to have been going for? Boring.
Look around a bit more and you’ll notice a few people who stand out and make a real impression. Pay attention to how they pair their footwear and pants, their dresses with scarves or hats, their wristwatch with a hat.
Maybe another individual uses their dark hair color with an overcoat that creates a striking profile or their locks of long blond hair to pair with a light sundress. What is the overall feeling you get from this person and their style? Could it give you some ideas for bold color combinations or style choices? Looking around at others who have distinctive looks can help give us the inspiration to find our own “style voice.”¹
2. Check Out Your Closet
Take a peek in your own closet at what you already have. Are there some items you never wear? Give them away and make some space for some fresh product. Often when we buy clothes in a rush or even get some as gifts that aren’t really our thing they pile up and start to dominate our closet. Going through with an honest eye and getting rid of the things we rarely wear and honestly don’t really like will allow us to have space for new things. Plus you can make a few dollars consigning old clothes if they’re brand names or not in bad condition.²
3. Work With Your Assets
It’s important to pay attention to your body type and your best features in order to find a style that works for you and brings out the best in you. There can be a dress that is absolutely stunning on another woman but doesn’t quite sit right on you, or a pair of khakis that fit you perfectly but look ridiculous on another guy. It just depends. Your body type, frame, face and even eye color can all make a big difference to what clothes, colors and styles will work best. Go with it.³
4. Don’t Rush
Modifying and updating your style doesn’t have to be a big rush. Try introducing one or two new things at a time. Maybe you have always dressed quite conservatively and want to try out a bright and bold new piece. Do it step by step. If you’ve never worn Capri pants but always wanted to, buy a pair and try them out. Maybe buy some new belts for your jeans that change your whole look. Great things come from small beginnings.⁴
5. Try A Tailor
Finding a tailor in your area can be the start of your style salvation story. Tailors can take clothes that are almost right for you and make them exactly right. They can also personalize your clothing with all sorts of cool frills whether it’s buttons or a new zipper or even a different neckline for a blouse or special seam on your jeans. Find a tailor and explore your style sense.⁵
6. Signature Style
Part of developing your own signature style is thinking about what is true to who you are. Maybe you grew up hunting in the rugged countryside of Idaho or you’re a tech wizard from Manhattan; maybe you’re a farm girl from Mississippi or an entertainment executive from LA. Your signature style expresses more than just a look: it expresses who you see yourself as and who you want to present yourself to others as being. You can consciously craft your image, certainly, but often the best and most unique styles are those that tie into our roots and deeper identity.³
7. Experiment
At the end of the day don’t be afraid to experiment. You won’t always find the style that’s perfect for you right away, and trying different combinations and looks can result in some exciting outcomes. Experiment and see what you find.¹